LC School News
The Lincoln County Board of Education has begun preparations to add a welding lab to the Lincoln County Area Technology Center located on the campus of Lincoln County High School. 

Career and Technical Education (CTE) has approved the creation of the welding lab for the 2021-22 school year. The Board has had plans drawn by an architect to renovate a current space at the technology center. The welding lab will be replacing a woodworking class as a new option for students. 

“This will be a great opportunity for our high school students to obtain useful skills that will make them career ready upon graduation. We have spoken to local employers and realize there is a high demand for welders. This will be a huge benefit to our community and local industry,” said Superintendent Michael Rowe.

Paperwork for the welding lab has been sent to the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) for approval. If approved, the Board will solicit bids to complete the construction of the welding lab. The project is expected to get underway this summer. 
