Kathy Wood


Name: Kathy Wood

Where do you work? What do you do there?

✔️Highland Elementary School. I’m an Exceptional Child Instructor for fourth and fifth grade.
1. What is your favorite thing about your school?  

🏫 My favorite thing about my school are the students and staff. The staff at Highland are like my family. They truly are caring and supportive. We also have the sweetest students here. I enjoy making them laugh and vice versa. 
2. How do you spend your free time?  

☀️ During the summer, I love to spend time with my family, garden, hike, and kayak.  

3. What is your favorite food?  

🍕 My favorite food is a toss up between authentic New York style cheese pizza or chicken fettuccine alfredo. 

4. What is the best book you’ve ever read?  

Book 📖 The best book I have ever read is the Bible.

5. What is your favorite movie?  

🎥 My favorite movie, hands down, is Elf.

6. If you could pick one place to visit on vacation, where would it be?  

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I would choose Scotland to visit for vacation.
7. Who was your favorite teacher growing up?  

👨‍🏫 My favorite teacher growing up was Mr. Hinkle, my English high school teacher. He had such a positive outlook on life even though he faced many obstacles, and he always made his students feel important. 

8. What is your favorite team? 

🏀 My favorite team are the Patriots! Go Patriots!  

9. If you could make one rule in life, that everyone had to follow, what would it be? 

 😀 My one rule in life that everyone would have to follow would be to show kindness.

10. Do you wear red on Friday?

🔴 Sometimes I wear red on Friday.