Mrs. Kirkpatrick & family

Name: Tiffany Kirkpatrick

School: Waynesburg Elementary

 What do you do there? 4th/5th Writing Teacher

 What is your favorite thing about your school?

A: I love that I get to work with some of the most genuine and loving families in Lincoln County.  I feel that love from my students every day when they walk into the school, and hope they feel it from me as well.  Right now, I am really missing their hugs and funny stories that they bring to each day.  Oh, and I love my colleagues too...they're pretty cool.

How do you spend your free time?

A:  I love being outside with my husband and kids on our farm.

What is your favorite food?

A:  I'm a vegetarian, but I could eat Mexican food for days.

What is best book you’ve ever read?

A: The BIBLE...yes, that's the book for me!

What is your favorite movie?

A:  I love all things Disney!  It would be hard to pick just one!

If you could pick one place to visit on vacation, where would it be?

A:  Hawaii.  If I can ever get over my fear of flying, that's the first place I will go!

Who was your favorite teacher growing up?

A: Definitely my grandma, Mrs. Dewilla Engle.  I was never a student of hers, but seeing her passion for her students was what inspired me to become a teacher myself.  I've learned so much from her over the years and owe a lot to her.  I can't forget about Mrs. Jeanne Cooper though.  She was my 7th/8th grade teacher at Kings Mountain.  She believed in me and I will never forget that.

What is your favorite team?

A:  Waynesburg Tigers, of course!

If you could make one rule in life, that everyone had to follow, what would it be?

A: To love others, just as you love yourself.  Think about how different our world would be?!

Do you wear red on Friday’s?

A: If I'm not wearing my blue and orange, YES!  I'm proud to be a part of Team Lincoln!