We know everyone is anxiously awaiting the Return to School Plan Guidelines and school calendar to be released for Lincoln County Schools. We are in the process of finalizing our guidelines and school calendar now. Here's a glimpse of what's been going on behind the scenes in preparation of starting the school year:
•Ongoing staff meetings amongst administrators at the Student Support Center
•Return to School
Survey for stakeholders to provide feedback
•Meetings with school principals
•Focus group meeting made up of classified and certified staff members from multiple departments
•Consultation with local and state entities (including the Lincoln County Health Department) regarding back to school protocol
Important Upcoming Dates:
•7/9- Lincoln County Board of Education Working Meeting (agenda includes an action item to approve the school calendar for the 2020-2021 school year)
•7/10- Ask #TEAMLincoln Q & A will be published
•7/14- Parent Focus Group meeting made up of parent representatives from all schools to discuss returning to school
•7/15- Return to School Plan Guidelines will be released
As you can see, we are reaching out to our stakeholders in various ways to gather your questions, thoughts and ideas as we develop our Return to School Plan Guidelines. We greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Please familiarize yourself with the Healthy at School Guidelines issued by the Kentucky Department of Education. A clear understanding of these guidelines will make it easier to understand why decisions are made, and why certain things have to be done this school year.