Lincoln County High School is now selling the 2020-21 yearbook. You may purchase one online here:
Link- https://bit.ly/3ljMzu8
(Use code 14277121 (when prompted)
Students, parents and the community can also purchase an ad (business or ad for a grad) using the link above.

The latest installment of P-EBT benefits will be available to students starting today. Check out the post below for a detailed look at the rollout schedule and more information about the program. All Lincoln County students are eligible.

It’s been a year now since COVID-19 forever changed all of our lives. We’ve learned new words: Quarantine, Social Distancing, Zoom.
We’ve leaned new phrases: Six Feet Apart, New Normal, Virtual School, Fluid Situation.
And we’ve learned new names: Moderna, Essential Workers, Tiger King.
But most of all, we’ve learned that if we all work together we can overcome any situation.
Lincoln County Schools could not be more proud of our students, parents and staff for working together to truly put the TEAM in #TEAMLincoln this past year!

Kentucky Career Center has partnered with LC Schools to create this exciting opportunity!

The Lincoln County Board of Education meeting is tomorrow night at 5:30 pm. You may view the meeting here:
Link- https://youtu.be/dJprfd6PTlw

Back to in-person school (again) pics 📸! It’s great to have all of our in-person and virtual students back into daily learning.

🚌 🛑 🚌
Now hiring bus drivers. Check out the info below.

Huge thanks to PBK Bank for sweetening up the first day back to daily in-person instruction by delivering donuts to all the schools across the district.

All in-person students will begin attending school daily on Monday. Patriot Learning Academy (Virtual) students will continue to learn from home. Please be mindful of our buses and plan for increased traffic when dropping off and picking up students.

National School Breakfast Week is next week, March 8th-12th. Our Food Service staff is excited to serve our students breakfast as the district returns to daily in-person instruction. Make sure to plan to eat breakfast at school next week!

The Lincoln County Board of Education Working Meeting is tonight at 5:30 PM. You may view the meeting at the link below:
Meeting Link- https://youtu.be/xW-SPa72gkM

#TEAMLincoln expands past the walls of our schools. Our whole community must work together to provide a safe learning environment for students.
We owe a huge thanks to the Lincoln County Health Department for vaccinating our staff. LCHD finished the second dose yesterday!

Ms. Gilbert’s Floriculture class at LCHS has been taking cuttings from donor plants to produce more plants. These will be for sale this year in the greenhouse.

Orange Level In-person Instruction will resume tomorrow for Lincoln County Schools. Students in groups A & B will learn in person. There are a couple areas in the county we are still monitoring for potential school transportation issues. If an area is unsafe for travel the school transportation department will communicate with those impacted.

Monday, March 1st, will be an NTI Weather Day for Lincoln County Schools. Flash flooding has made many roads around the county unsafe for travel. There will be no in-person instruction and all students should work virtually from home.

We will use Orange Level instruction this week before transitioning into daily in-person instruction (Green Level) on March 8th.
Monday- Groups A and B
Tuesday- Groups A and B
Wednesday- Virtual
Thursday- Groups C and D
Friday- Groups C and D

Happy retirement to Director of Transportation Don Leigh. Thank you for your years of service at Lincoln County Schools!

This program has been extended for all Lincoln County students. The benefits will be added to the previously provided cards. Families can request a replacement card if they misplaced their previous one.
Link- https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dcbs/Pages/dcbscvres.aspx

The Lincoln County Board of Education will meet tonight at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be aired on YouTube Live. This is a special called meeting due to being previously postponed because of the winter storms.
Link to view- https://youtu.be/ElP1-F9m1vE

February is Black History Month. LCMS recognized Black History Month by having a door/bulletin door contest. The intent was to create thought provoking designs that would encourage students and teachers to have meaningful conversations.